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Alternative Trips

Visiting Quito by bicycle is a magnificent idea. But, in reality, fighting in Quito is very hard because of the ups and downs along the route. So, ebikes are an alternative for a city that is in the middle of the mountains.

A great alternative is to use an assisted ebike. Not with a throttle that would make it a motorcycle. The best we can do is pedal to achieve our goals in Quito. Technology is a wonder that we must use it.


This was such a great tour!! Jose Luis takes you all around to theee different parts of the city introducing you to different aspects of the city like parks, historical buildings, lookouts and even includes a great gastronomy tour along the way. I would highly recommend this tour as it is a lot of fun and very inclusive with the sights!

SPECIAL Alternative

This was such a great tour!! Jose Luis takes you all around to theee different parts of the city introducing you to different aspects of the city like parks, historical buildings, lookouts and even includes a great gastronomy tour along the way. I would highly recommend this tour as it is a lot of fun and very inclusive with the sights!

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